
參與公共職業訓練離職者失業歸因及其學習成效之研究 -以中彰投地區為例

*通訊作者: 陳德發dfchen@cc.ncue.edu.tw



 A Research on Unemployed Attribution and Learning Performance of the Trainees Who Participant in the Pre-employment Vocational Training-A Case Study in Taichung, Changhua and Nantou Area.
Hsieh-Hsi Liu,
 Hsiang-Lin Chen, Chiung-Chen Lin, Der-Fa Chen*

National Changhua University of Education.
*Correspondence: Corresponding Author dfchen@cc.ncue.edu.tw

The purpose of this study is aimed to explore unemployed attribution and learning performance of the trainees who participant in the pre-employment vocational training and the correlation between unemployed attribution and learning performance. To achieve the goal of this research, after gone through a series of empirical studies, the questionnaires were issued to the participants who graduated from Taichung-Changhua-Nantou Area, Ministry of Labor between March and August , 2021. After the data were collected, use the statistical method as SPSS to proceed the descriptive statistics, the independent samples t-test, the one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance), Scheffe' posterior comparison and Pearson's Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient to analyze. The results obtained in this study are as follows: First of all, participants unanimously agreed on “attributions for unemployment” and “learning outcomes.” Secondly, a significant difference was shown in the social structure dimension regarding “attributions for unemployment” among participants of different sexes with different reasons for leaving a job. A significant difference was also shown in the affective dimension regarding “learning outcomes” among participants who have different reasons for leaving a job. Significant differences were also shown in their cognitive learning and affective learning (under the dimension of “learning outcomes”) among participants with different motives to join the session. A significant correlation was identified between “attributions for unemployment” and “learning outcomes.” The research results help to measure the effectiveness of policy implementation and can be used to review the effectiveness of policies for further improvement, ultimately ensuring the policies for sustainable development are implemented and serving as reference for future researchers.

Keywords: UnemployedAttributions for Unemployment, Learning Outcomes.