
Exploring the factors that affect students' learning effectiveness under the science distance learning: Taking cram schools as an example

Exploring the factors that affect students' learning effectiveness under the science distance learning: Taking cram schools as an example

Luan-Te Chien* , Hui-Ying Ho
Department of Science Education, National Taipei University of Education
Department of Science Education, National Taipei University of Education
*Correspondence: Luan-Te Chien kiwi5261@yahoo.com.tw

With the spread of COVID-19, the demand for distance learning continues to increase, and many problems are faced in terms of teaching materials, teaching methods, operating equipment, and video platforms. Traditionally, most cram school education is taught by face-to-face teaching. Therefore, parents have many questions and concerns about the impact of distance learning on the effectiveness of student learning. This study investigates the teaching needs of nature courses in cram schools in the post-COVID-19 era. In a distance learning environment, more challenges are faced, such as functional support, operability, stability, and responsiveness of the teaching platform. In addition, students' learning attitudes, positive learning styles, and acceptance of distance learning methods are also important influencing factors of learning effectiveness. Therefore, this study proposes a research model that includes the effects of teaching platform acceptance, teacher-student interaction, learning attitude, learning motivation, and positive learning style on students' learning effectiveness in a distance learning environment in cram schools. In this study, an electronic questionnaire was created through an online website, and a link to it was posted on a social media group to collect data. A structural equation statistical analysis was conducted to verify the effects of teaching platform, teacher-student interaction, students' learning attitudes, positive learning styles, and learning motivation on learning effectiveness. We found that the teacher-student interaction and student positive learning style are the keys to enhancing learning effectiveness in a science distance learning environment. Based on the result, we recommend the precautions, corresponding practices, and teaching methods for implementing science distance teaching. Strategy suggestions for cram schools to implement science distance learning are also provided.

Keywords: COVID-19; Distance Learning; Cram Schools; Learning Effectiveness; Teacher-Student Interaction


* 何慧瑩
*通訊作者:簡鸞德 kiwi5261@yahoo.com.tw

COVID-19 蔓延之下,遠距教學需求持續增加,在教材、教法,操作設備,以及視訊平台等 方面,都面臨著許多問題。其中,補習班的教學受到疫情影響,也同樣需要推動遠距教學。 傳統上,補習教育大多是以面授方式教學,家長對於遠距教學是否影響學生的學習效能,有 許多疑問與擔心,遠距教學對於老師與學生都是很大的挑戰。本研究針對 COVID-19 環境下, 探討補習班自然科學課程的教學需求,在遠距教學的環境下,面臨更多的挑戰,比如教學平 台的功能支援、操作性、穩定性以及反應速度等。另外,學生的學習態度與學習模式能不能 接受遠距教學方式,也是學習效能的重要影響因素。因此,本研究提出研究模型,包含教學 平台、師生互動、學習態度、學習動機與學習模式對學生在補習班遠距教學環境下學習效能 的影響。本研究透過線上電子表單建立電子問卷,以社交媒體自然科補習課程群組發布表單 連結的方式,進行研究資料的收集,以結構方程統計分析方式,進行資料分析,驗證教學平 台、師生互動、學生學習態度、學習模式以及學習動機對學習效能的影響。本研究發現師生 互動和學生學習模式是進行自然科學遠距學習時強化學生學習效能之關鍵。依據研究結果提 出實施自然科學遠距教學時的注意事項、對應做法,以及教學方式,提供給補習業者執行遠 距教學策略參考。
