本研究旨在探討保險業業務集中度與金融科技運用對於財務穩定性的影響。以2011年至2020年台灣保險公司之資料,運用普通最小平方法(Ordinary Least Squares, OLS) 迴歸模型來檢驗業務集中度對保險財務穩定的影響程度,並進一步探究金融科技運用對業務集中度與財務穩定之間的調節作用。實證結果顯示,財產保險業之業務集中度對於財務穩定呈現正向顯著的影響,支持業務集中穩定假說,而人壽保險業之業務集中度則與財務穩定無顯著相關,進一步檢驗金融科技與業務集中度對財務穩定之交互作用,確認金融科技對保險業財務穩定無調節效果。研究結果具有實務管理意涵,有益於未來保險產業的健全發展,並同時可提供主管機關財務穩定監理與被保險人選擇保險公司之參酌。 關鍵字:業務集中度、金融科技、財務穩定、保險
An Investigation of Market Concentration, Fintech Application and Financial Stability in Insurance Industry
Chen-Ying Lee*, Chu-Kuei Chung
Department of Risk Management and Insurance, Shin Chien University
*Correspondence: Chen-Ying Lee bean44019@gmail.com
This study investigated the impact of market concentration and the application of fintech on financial stability in insurance industry from 2011 to 2020. The ordinary least squares (OLS) regression was used to test research hypotheses. The study results found that the market concentration of the property-liability insurance had a positive and significant impact on financial stability, supporting the concentration-stability view, but the market concentration of the life insurance had no significant relationship with financial stability. In addition, the results of the moderating effect of fintech application were not significant. The results had practical management implications, which were beneficial to the sound development of the insurance industry in the future. The study could provide financial stability supervision of the competent authorities and the insureds’ choice of insurance companies. Finally, it also shared Taiwan’s experiences of fintech application for developing countries. Keywords:Market concentration; Fintech; Financial stability; Insurance.